GDL Articles
Company News
Following our successful audits GDL receive recertification of ISO 9001 - Quality Management, ISO 14001 - Environmental Management & ISO 45001 - Health & Safety.

ISO Accreditation

Following our successful audits GDL receive recertification of ISO 9001 - Quality Management, ISO 14001 - Environmental Management & ISO 45001 - Health & Safety.

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GDL New Website

The new GDL Website

We realise that a first impression is key when visiting a website for the first time, we've made some changes.

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Salix AUB

University at Bournemouth

Craigmillar Library

Edinburgh, Scotland.

The Ivy

London, England.

Unity Hall

Wakefield, England.

Royal Free Hospital

London, England.

New American Embassy

London, England.