For supply or extract air, having single set of fixed blades available in economy or heavy duty bars. Its robust construction makes it ideal for commercial or industrial use in areas of possible impact such as schools or gyms. Suitable for wall or ceiling mounting.
From extruded aluminium sections, frame 1.6mm thick, blades 6mm thick for S79, and 6mm thick tapering to 2.5mm for the S78, all at 12.5mm centres. Hairline mitres mechanically held. Optional OBD is of extruded aluminium.
Size and Weight
Height from 100mm to 600mm (see office for greater than 600mm) in 25mm increments. Widths ir lengths from 300mm to 3000mm in a single unit. Longer lengths can be supplied as multiple units.
Grille only 27.5kg/m2, Grille and OBD 35.0kg/m2.
Free area approximately 55%.